4 room apartment to rent in Tallinn
4 room apartment to rent in Tallinn

How much is an apartment in Tallinn ? (rent Nov 2023)

Here I am listing how much does it cost to rent an apartment in Tallinn City Center in November 2023 (18.11.2023). I have chosen the lowest prices from www.kv.ee for furnished Tallinn city center apartments I could find.1 room apartment in Tallinn city center  to rent  starts from 190 EUR/month2 room apartment in Tallinn  city center to rent  starts from…

There are plenty of short term rentals in Tallinn
There are plenty of short term rentals in Tallinn

How to start a successful short term rental in Tallinn ?

1 Pricing the short term rental : According to AirDNA's market data for 2021, the average daily rate (ADR) for short-term rentals in Tallinn is approximately 84 EUR per night. However, the ADR can vary significantly depending on the location, size, and amenities of the rental.In general, the most profitable price range for short-term rentals in Tallinn is around 70-120 EUR…

A castle interior
This is how will live after investing

What would be the best long term real estate investing strategy for Tallinn, Estonia considering the aging of the population ?

 Real estate investing strategies can vary based on individual goals and circumstances, but here are a few general tips for long term real estate investing in Tallinn, Estonia: Buy in the right location: As with any real estate investment, location is key. Look for properties in desirable neighbourhoods with good transport links and amenities, such as schools, shops, and parks.…