Pärnu property for sale
Pärnu property for sale

What should a good real estate listing include ?

A good real estate listing should include comprehensive and accurate information to attract potential buyers or renters. Here are some essential elements that a good real estate listing should typically include:Accurate Property Details: Provide specific information about the property, including the type (house, apartment, etc.), size (square footage or number of rooms), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and any unique…

new high-rise in Tallinn
new high-rise in Tallinn

What are the benefits of using a buyer’s broker when planning to purchase a property in Estonia ?

Here are the  benefits to taking a buyer's broker when planning to purchase a property in Estonia:Access to a wider range of properties: A buyer's broker can provide access to a wider range of properties that meet your specific criteria, including those that may not be listed on public real estate websites.Negotiation: A buyer's broker can negotiate on your behalf…

New residential property in Tallinn
New residential property in Tallinn

What are the differences when choosing a big real estate agency in Estonia compared to a small one ?

When choosing between a big or small real estate agency in Estonia, it's important to consider several key differences. Big agencies generally have more resources, including a larger team of agents, more advanced technology, and a broader network of contacts. But since the structure of those agencies is such that at the end you are dealing with a single broker…

View from Kalaranna quarter
View from Kalaranna quarter

Real estate broker vs real estate listing agent, what is the difference ? What about the real estate brokers licensing in Estonia ?

A real estate broker and a real estate listing agent are both professionals who work in the real estate industry, but there are some differences in their roles and responsibilities. A real estate broker is licensed to run their own brokerage firm and can hire and manage real estate agents to work for them. They are responsible for overseeing the…