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Home Buyer Turn-Offs: Top Tips for Sellers to Secure a Sale

When selling a home in Estonia, first impressions count. Buyers often quickly judge a property, and certain things can make them lose interest right away. To maximize the chances of a successful sale in the Estonian real estate market, sellers must be aware of these turn-offs and take proactive steps to address them. In this article, we’ll talk about four things that can put off buyers and give tips to avoid them, ensuring a smoother and more successful selling process for your Estonian properties.

  1. Outdated decor & fixtures

This is one of the most common property-related turn-offs…outdated decor and fixtures. Peeling wallpaper, shag carpeting, and old-fashioned furniture and light fixtures can make a home seem neglected; that it hasn’t been well-maintained or updated in years. To avoid this, sellers should consider updating the house/apartment with fresh paint, modern fixtures, and new carpets. Surprisingly, 36% of home buyers are willing to pay more for modern amenities, according to a survey by the National Association of Realtors. These small renovations can make a big difference in attracting potential buyers and renters, and more importantly securing that sale!

  1. Lack of curb appeal

The exterior of a home is the first thing buyers notice, and a lack of curb appeal can immediately deter them. Overgrown landscaping, peeling paint, and a messy yard can make a real estate property seem uncared for. To improve curb appeal, sellers should keep the lawn neat, trim hedges, and add vibrant flowers or plants. Repainting the exterior and updating the front door and hardware can also greatly enhance the initial impression of the home. In addition to this, sellers can also focus on communal areas in apartment buildings. Ensuring that entrances, lobbies, and common spaces are well-maintained and visually appealing. Doing all of this sets the stage for a successful transaction in the Estonian real estate market.

  1. Unpleasant odors in the property

Unpleasant smells can put off potential buyers, making it difficult for them to envision living there. To combat this, sellers should focus on thorough cleaning of the affected. Dealing with any pet stains or mold issues, and ensuring good airflow throughout the house or apartment. Additionally, using air fresheners or baking cookies before a property viewing can help to neutralize odors and leave a positive impression for keen buyers or renters.

  1. Cluttered & personalized homes

A messy or too-personalized home can make it hard for buyers to imagine living there. Too many items, family pictures, and general clutter can distract buyers from seeing the home’s potential. Once the real estate property is on the market, sellers should tidy up and remove extra items, organize closets, and simplify decorations and colors. A clean, clutter-free space lets buyers focus on the home’s features and picture themselves living there. Moreover, optimizing furniture arrangement can help buyers visualize each room’s functionality and potential. Removing oversized or unnecessary pieces can create more space and showcase different layout options.

To boost their chances of selling well, sellers should tackle these common real estate turn-offs as quickly as possible. Seeking advice from real estate pros or home staging experts can help when you don’t know where to start. By addressing these issues and meeting buyer expectations, sellers set up their real estate property for a successful sale in the Estonian market.

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