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Easy ways to protect your home against common types of property damage

Having your own place to stay is a big achievement, whether it’s a comfy house or a cozy apartment. But, especially in places like Estonia with tough winters, having a home – whether you own it or rent it – means you’ve got some important things to take care of. Let’s talk about common issues both houses and apartments can have and easy ways to deal with them.


  1. Water leaks

How it Happens: Roof leaks often happen due to old or damaged materials, worsened by freezing winters like those in Estonia. Heavy snow can stress roofs, leading to leaks. Meanwhile, in both houses and apartments, aging pipes or freezing temperatures can cause pipes to burst, especially in shared plumbing systems. Additionally, poor drainage or clogged gutters can let rainwater into homes, causing damage. 


Prevention: Keep an eye on your roof if you own a house, especially in cold places like Estonia where freezing winters can cause ”ice dams”. This happens when snow melts and refreezes on the roof. Regular pipe checks are a must too, so fix any issues pronto. For those living in apartments, make sure to tell the management if you spot leaks from other units. It’s a joint effort to keep the place in good shape, and a little heads-up can go a long way. 


  1. Mold

How it Happens: Following on from the previous point, mold loves damp spots, whether behind walls or under the floor…a common problem for both houses and apartments. It thrives in persistently damp areas, often due to leaks or poor ventilation. Even the smallest of leaks can be a cause. Additionally, high humidity levels or inadequate airflow also contribute to mold growth.


Prevention: As mentioned before, fix any leaks fast! And here’s a helpful hint: after a leak, make sure to completely dry the area to stop mold from showing up. In bathrooms, keep things dry by using fans or opening windows for air. Clean these spaces often, especially hidden corners. These easy steps not only protect your property but also make your living space healthier.


  1. Fires

How it happens: Small fires can surprise you, especially in places like kitchens or due to faulty wiring. In the kitchen, if grease builds up or cooking is left unattended, flames can appear. Faulty wiring, often hidden behind walls, is a common cause. Did you know? Electrical issues may not always be visible. So it’s important to stay alert for unusual smells or flickering lights. 


Prevention: To avoid unexpected fires, set up reliable smoke detectors in key spots around your home. Regularly check outlets for wear or damage and fix them quickly. Keep things that can catch fire away from heat. If you’re in an apartment, let the management know if you notice electrical issues. These simple steps go a long way in ensuring a safe home environment, an important part of real estate well-being.


  1. Cracks

How it Happens: As time goes on, both houses and apartment buildings might develop small cracks. This is mainly due to the weather and the natural passage of time. In places like Estonia, where temperatures go up and down, building materials can stretch and shrink, causing small cracks. Similarly, when a home or apartment building is first constructed, it might shift a bit as it settles into place, especially in the early years. This settling can create those small fissures.


Prevention: Check your home for cracks regularly. Fix them right away before they get big. Use flexible caulk or sealant to protect against cracks. Remember, some cracks are okay, but others could be a bigger problem. If you’re not sure, ask a professional. For apartments, tell management about any cracks in shared spaces. These steps keep your place strong and prevent long-term issues. 

  1. Pests: Unwanted guests

How it Happens: Bugs and rodents can find their way into houses and apartments through tiny openings. Often, these little intruders take advantage of gaps in windows, doors, or cracks in walls. Even minor holes can be an entry point for pests. Additionally, poor sealing around pipes or vents can create pathways of entry.


Prevention: Check for pests regularly, especially in areas like windows, doors, and cracks. Seal these spots to block their entry. Pro tip: use weatherstripping or door sweeps for extra protection. Did you know? Pests are drawn to food residue, so keeping your home clean and storing food properly adds another layer of defense. 


Knowing about these problems and fixing them early on can save you trouble down the line. Whether you own a home and are building equity or you’re a renter seeking a pleasant environment, caring for your living space is crucial for its overall well-being. Protecting your home ensures a comfortable living experience now and becomes a valuable asset for the future.


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